UPDATE | Members Listen Up!

Our next general meeting will be March 15 at our usual location, St. Matthews Church. Social time 6:30, meeting 7:00 pm. It should prove to be a thought provoking and informative meeting because AEPNA will host a forum for candidates running for office in the May 15 primary. AEPNA Secretary Tim Potter will moderate the forum, and is hard at work getting the line up of candidates finalized. These forums have been well attended in the past and we hope to see you March 15.

Good news.  AEPNA has a new association president.  Avery Schwer was elected at our January 2012 general meeting. Avery is a professor in the graduate Engineering program at UNO. He will take over from Tom Prohaska to head the association. We are so grateful to Tom for so many months of leadership mixed with wit, wisdom and sophistication. We welcome Avery and look forward to Tom remaining on the AEPNA board.